Good morning guys, or evening, wherever you’re at now. Welcome back, it’s Friday again and I would love it if you would pray for us this week.

First a quick shout out l, thank you to everyone who is supporting us financially. I know it’s the giving season right now and I’m thankful people are partnering financially so that we can continue to make disciples that make disciples. Only all of us working together as the body of Christ can make that happen. So a big thank you for the call that went out from God and for those of you who said yes, that one’s mine

I had the care team meeting this week. It was so good, like every month, seeing people, hearing them, interacting with them. It’s lovely to even hear myself talk about the things that God is doing. Because sometimes, you know when you’re in the middle of your own life, you don’t recognize God moving. But He is moving in so many ways, always. So it’s even encouraging for me to share. 

I’m also happy to say I’ve taken my cast off. My ankle still has some healing to do, it’s a bit swollen right now. I don’t know if it’s from not walking on it dor 6 weeks or it’s something rise. I’m going to wait about a week and if it’s not getting better I’ll go get an MRI. But for now, I’m cast free and I have on regular shoes! I’m still walking with a cane but that’ll probably be another 2-3 weeks. Thank you to everyone who prayed for that healing, God heard you and he answered that prayer.

This last week there’s a couple of people who died. Peters uncle died and he was close to him, and Oscar’s brother died. Oscar the former school of ministry student. They were both unexpected events, if you could expect something like that. They are both Believers so we’re happy about that but prayers for Peter and Oscar as they adjusted their new reality.

Also for Peter. I’m training him to run the school when I’m gone because I’m planning a furlough in the fall of 2024. He’s pretty busy right now so prayers for him. That he could manage his time well, and get everything done on God’s list. 

Then a random update, remember we taught the guys how to make peanut stre a couple weeks ago? When I saw them cutting, they were cutting in their hands and on uneven surfaces, trying to cut in bowls. So we had a cutting board made for the outdoor kitchen see the attached picture, Anjuletta is loving it. Just a simple cutting board. She’s happy to have it and it seems to be working well. We’re thankful for that.

Upcoming this week we have the round table. We’re going to talk about why do we celebrate Christmas as Christians? What is its origin? What should our focus be? It’s got an interesting backstory.

Then in a couple weeks we’re going to show that Jesus film in a local language. We’ve got a whole evangelism plan set up for that to try to get some new people to come. Please pray for us.

Then finally for the students. That they would finish this term strong. They have two or three weeks left before heading back to their families and villages. That they would be men of God who continue to pursue God even in their home environments. That they could stand strong and finish well.

Thank you all for coming alongside on this journey for praying for us, and for your faithfulness. God bless you, talk to you next week.

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